g o t   m e a d ?

Got Mead?

Starrlight Mead is a labor of love. It is an epitome of a defined purpose and noble cause. A reminder that in this fast-paced and competitive world where almost everything’s worth is measured in currency, love still moves us.

The couple Becky and Ben Starr discovered mead while attending Renaissance Fair. After hearing good results from their friends who are home brewing mead, they decided to do their own. They liked the mead they did and their friends who have tried their mead liked it as well and would come back for more bringing pitchers with them. On their first competition, they brought home the Best in Show prize out of the 210 entries in the home mead-maker category, an amazing feat they themselves did not expect as beginners. And the rest, as they say, is history. Starrlight Mead is a labor of love, created not for capital gain but out of the couple’s desire to share to the world this beverage and their passion for this craft. As a matter of fact, the Starrs are still doing their respective full-time jobs out of the meadery.

The best in show prize on the Starr's first competition in mead making.
The best in show prize on the Starr’s first competition in mead making.


Mead is a fermented beverage from honey, much closely associated to wine than beer. It is a separate and distinct type of beverage, also known as honey wine, probably the oldest known fermented beverage. At Starrlight Mead, scheduled tours are available.

left to right : the Starr couple, Ben and Becky, and hubby Jon Sellers at Starrlight Mead in Pittsboro, North Carolina.
left to right : the Starr couple, Ben and Becky, and hubby Jon Sellers at Starrlight Mead in Pittsboro, North Carolina.


Their wide selection of meads consists of Traditional Off-Dry mead, Blackberry Off-Dry mead, Traditional Semi-Sweet mead, Black Berry mead, Sweet Peach mead, Spiced Apple mead and Meadjitos. I liked the Black Berry mead while hubby liked the Spiced Apple mead so we bought a bottle of each.

The wide selection of mead at Starrlight Mead in Pittsboro, North Carolina.
The wide selection of mead at Starrlight Mead in Pittsboro, North Carolina.
Ben Starr, explaining the process of mead making from fermentation, to mixing flavors, and labelling at Starrlight Mead in Pittsboro, North Carolina.
Ben Starr, explaining the process of mead making from fermentation, to mixing flavors, and labelling at Starrlight Mead in Pittsboro, North Carolina.


Starrlight Mead is located in Pittsboro, North Carolina. It is a meadery that will remind you of home, the kind where you just want to sit down, sip mead, talk like old pals and wonder of Renaissance as you glance at their beautiful collections of dragons and drinking horns.

Starrlight Mead in Pittsboro, North Carolina.
Starrlight Mead in Pittsboro, North Carolina.
Drinking horns at Starrlight Mead in Pittsboro, North Carolina.
Drinking horns at Starrlight Mead in Pittsboro, North Carolina.


I love the pewter goblet heart sets.  They are paired to make one heart!

Pewter goblet heart sets paired to make one heart at Starrlight Mead in Pittsboro, North Carolina.
Pewter goblet heart sets paired to make one heart at Starrlight Mead in Pittsboro, North Carolina.


My hubby was drawn to the dragon interior displays in an instant.

Dragon displays at Starrlight Mead in Pittsboro, North Carolina.
Dragon displays at Starrlight Mead in Pittsboro, North Carolina.


Starrlight Mead also cares for the environment. Bottles are recycled by local artists, and corks, both natural and synthetic, are reused to make other items. Inside the winery is a display of colorful bottles recycled into a beautiful candle holder.

Glass recyled at Starrlight Mead in Pittsboro, North Carolina.
Glass recyled at Starrlight Mead in Pittsboro, North Carolina.


When people do labor of love, it inspires souls. It exudes and it reflects. It makes me conclude that Starrlight Meadery’s secret is not North Carolina’s honey but love – lots and lots of love.

Got mead?

A visit to Starrlight Mead in Pittsboro, North Carolina.
A visit to Starrlight Mead in Pittsboro, North Carolina.